May 16, 2023

What’s new in Mest Beta

What’s new in Mest Beta

We can't wait to announce that Mest Beta goes live today!

Since Mest Alpha's launch three months ago, the Mest team has received over 600 honourable insights and valuable feedback from those 2.5k users. All this feedback has led us to reconsider Mest Beta: How to make better sense of the wallet?

As the title of Mest's new website - Know Wallet Better, users should not only understand what the wallet has and what it does but have the ability to customize their wallets with more insight for making better trading decisions.

The Mest Beta is the practice of the Mest design philosophy:

  • Composability, the widget-centred design with modularity;
  • High Quality, every widget has excellent UI/UX and insight;
  • Connectable, each widget has good scalability to connect with other components.

Know More, Earn More

We are excited to share the new changes with you on Mest beta, even if it’s just a step forward to our mission of Know Wallet Better.

Clear about the Cost

Instead of manually recording the original buy price of each token, Mest will help you calculate the cost, earnings performance and position distribution of each token over time. All in one place, you just need to enter the wallet address.

Monitor the Cash Flow

No more the elusive assets flow, now you have the ability to control the change of assets over time.

History Filterable

Let the powerful transaction filtering capabilities of the Mest locate specific information by time, token, counterparty, transaction type and value in the clutter of transaction records.

More than NFT Dashboard

No longer shift multiple tools for checking the NFTs' performance, Mest clearly shows the return on investment, profit and loss of every NFT traded on the wallet address. Search and discover potential NFT investment opportunities with high returns for you.

Unique Gas Tracker

Easily tracks the flow and spending of gas fees, helping you to better understand the trading decisions type of this address.

Whether on visible feature updates or UI/UX optimization, we just hope you can have a smooth product experience and high-quality insights. Because when you know more, then earn more.

What’s Next?

There will be several campaigns about Mest Beta offering incentives of $2,400 and Mest NFT.

Everyone is invited to join and please don’t hesitate to give us feedback on our Discord.

Mest team
Mest team@mest_io